Baby Book Instead Of Card What To Write In Cover I Have A Baby Shower To Go, Instead Of A Card They Ask For A Child's Book With Your Thoughts On The Cover!! ?
I have a baby shower to go, instead of a card they ask for a child's book with your thoughts on the cover!! ? - baby book instead of card what to write in cover
The child's mother is a friend of a family member, so I really do not know what to write, or even like a book for a baby.Help sign:)
Choose your favorite book as a child and write a short dedication on the inside that says that something like this:
Dear Name (Baby)
That was my favorite book as a child, and I hope that the treasure of memories of her, as I do.
Love, (your name)
How about - Choose explain a story that you like, then what you want.
That's what I, when he had to do something really honest, would say.
Write Congratulations!
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