Natural Resources Etf How Many Natural Resources Do We Have?
How many natural resources do we have? - natural resources etf
I wonder what resources to use the power of the earth after all the oil is gone, and I know about:
1. Solar Energy
2. Hydroelectric
3. Wind energy (although there may be some conservation measures)
But that's all ... I'm not an environmentalist, but we know that we (and perhaps even necessary) to have other resources, but they?
to be honest, you can not really, because the product may be derived from other (and if you are able, the so-called sub-products are used), for example hydrogen in the "water or the use of alternative energy for protons and electrons of the matter or the past ... but when I make a short list of the top of my head to ... partner .. not too much (or too little) to use Google but if you have a product to save energy at the molecular level (i want 1 Dibbs in stock)
Geothermal energy, energy from the interior of the Earth
Plant biomass for biofuels
Biomass to liquid biofuels, LPG
Solid wood biomass of trees
Biogas from the waste stream today, such as paper manufacturing, sugar production, sewage, waste, etc.. Methane is removed
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