Essential Oil For Buldging Disc How Much Peppermint Essential Oil Is Toxic?

How much peppermint essential oil is toxic? - essential oil for buldging disc

I just read that peppermint oil may be good for cold sores, then two drops mixed with a little hand sanitizer and put on wounds. I need to save the pain was much better. But now I've read that the essential oil of peppermint, even in small doses can be toxic. Did I do something that will poison or hurt me?


Me said...

Mint is used in many products, including content Lipgloss (very high as some would indeed Sally Hanson Lip) Inflation is an example, so I'm sure he fine.Now essential oils are very powerful, so yes. .. sufficiently diluted not to be m safety.I "sure" that the dilution ratio is mint so I hope someone else will, who knows how I can help you :-)

EDIT: Also I do not know "exactly" relationship ... but two drops, for something as small as a cold sore ... is probably much more, I would say that DAB was "in the finger, in combination with a carrier oil / Vaseline, etc..

glownatu... said...

Yes, I agree. A decline is even.
I would say the oil with a mix .... Carrier oil like almond oil. Usually 5-10 drops are 1 oz almond oil - is safe for the skin. For the lips, I'm not sure if it's the same. Sorry.
Hand sanitizer is alcohol, and not good at all for the lips.

EDIT: running all pure vegetable oil in the dwelling.

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